Open hours: M-F 5:15am-6:30pm, Sat 7am-11am

Why Choose CrossFit NorthGate?

✅Our coaches are professionals and we are excellent teachers

✅Our facility is clean, organized and equipment is well maintained

✅Our program is thoughtfully designed and skillfully scaled for all levels

Your Fitness Journey

Starts Here,

Regardless of Your Abilities

This program is for YOU even if:

You have a BIG weight loss goal

CrossFit is an incredible program for creating a healthy body and helping you find your ideal weight. You will love the way you look and feel. We will help you understand exactly how to efficiently get the results you want and KEEP those results for life (and guess what...the solution isn't hours on a treadmill or restrictive diets)!

You don't think you are fit enough for CrossFit

You DO NOT need to be in shape to start our program. We will meet you where YOU ARE and guide you every step of the way. From the outside looking in CrossFit can feel intimidating BUT don't be. You will be supported by professional coaches and surrounded by people who want to see you succeed!

You have suffered injuries in the past or are worried about getting injured

The very best thing you can do to stay healthy is to learn to move with great biomechanics and create strong muscles that support your joints. We want you to be healthy and feel great...we don't want to break you down or leave you feeling broken. We will TEACH you how to care for your body and keep it operating at its best!

You are an athlete and want to explore your true potential

This program will challenge you in all the right ways, regardless of your level! If you want to create REAL fitness that covers the spectrum of athleticism, look no further. Learn the most efficient way to expand your endurance, speed, power, balance, agility, strength and stamina, and explore your true potential!

You just want to be healthy and have fun exercising with incredible people

If you just like to stay healthy to keep up with your kids, avoid the doctor, feel great and have fun doing it, you've found your tribe! Not everyone wants to push the envelope of performance and that's ok! Staying fit, healthy and happy for life is what this place is all about.

Since starting CrossFit I’ve lost 70 pounds. I’ve found balance in life. I’m the happiest (and, strongest) that I’ve ever been. I’ve made authentic connections as some of my best friends are people that I’ve met at NorthGate. The lessons that I’ve learned have made me a better father, husband, friend and working professional.

Read Kyle's Story

I originally met Ryan Parker in 2012 when he was the coach at a local CrossFit. At the time, due to my inactivity and over-consumption, I was severely overweight. I lacked commitment and drive to stick with any sort of ongoing fitness program. I was unhappy in the way that I looked and felt, both mentally and physically. My wife, Katie, had started CrossFit months before me and had urged me to try a class. At the time, I was reluctant. I preferred solo workouts and was hesitant to work out in a group setting, opening myself up to be vulnerable among the perception of strangers.

Eventually I conceded and decided to give it a chance. I still remember the workout. It was equal parts exhausting, humbling and awesome. I couldn’t do any of the movements. Not even close. And, I was sore for weeks afterwards. But, I was energized. I had officially enjoyed my first sip of the CrossFit Kool-Aid.  Days eventually turned into weeks. Weeks turned into months. Months turned into years. The ironic thing is that the inclusive community of the CrossFit group environment was what made me come back day after day. I found real, intrinsic value in cultivating this new-found support network and aligning with right-minded people. Every time that I’m at CrossFit NorthGate, I know exactly what I’m going to get. It’s the favorite hour of my day. It’s a break from the daily grind and stress. It’s a safe harbor for me to stretch my goals, without judgment, amidst the camaraderie of competition.

Since starting CrossFit I’ve lost 70 pounds. I’ve found balance in life. I’m the happiest (and, strongest) that I’ve ever been. I’ve made authentic connections as some of my best friends are people that I’ve met at NorthGate. The lessons that I’ve learned have made me a better father, husband, friend and working professional.

You’re always one decision away from a totally different journey.  I’m proud to say that my CrossFit journey has been an incredibly rewarding and empowering one.

It’s here at NortGate where I meet my tribe, my crew, my workout posse. I come for the coaching, the challenges, the gains and most of all, the people. We are all here trying to find better versions of ourselves, and I think together we will succeed.

Read Stacy's Story

I started playing sports at age five. Back in the 70’s, before girls were allowed to play t-ball, we played kickball then graduated to softball. After that came soccer, basketball, volleyball and more softball. Through college, I spent time, every day, on a court, field, trail or in a gym or dojo.


My routine worked well for me until I hit my 40’s and noticed my body composition changing…and not for the better. My remedy was to double down on my workouts. Much to my surprise, all I encountered were more injuries and more fatigue.

A few of my friends were planning to try Spartan racing and invited me to join them. While I enjoyed the training and loved the camaraderie, the overhead climbing and swinging took its toll, and by the end of the year, I was told I needed shoulder surgery to correct an impingement.


About the same time, a dear friend and fellow Spartan Racer invited me to try CrossFit NorthGate. She couldn’t say enough positive things about the coaching, programming and positivity at NorthGate. I soon realized why.


Over the past year, my strength and flexibility have improved markedly. As fun as it is for me to watch my strength numbers improve, it’s my improved mobility which has made the most impact in not only my athletic performance but my day to day comfort as well. Overhead, hanging, Spartan obstacles which used to take me to failure are now well within my ability. Most notably, I no longer need shoulder surgery. The arthritis still exists, but because of my improved posture and flexibility, I’m no longer in pain due to impingement.


It’s here at NortGate where I meet my tribe, my crew, my workout posse. I come for the coaching, the challenges, the gains and most of all, the people. We are all here trying to find better versions of ourselves, and I think together we will succeed.

"This experience has been one of healing and correction, rather than risk and injury. CrossFit is truly a place for everyone, a place that is just as challenging for the elite athletes and the varsity couch potatoes alike."

Read Bria's Story

My journey as a runner has been that of a secondary nature. I have always run as a way to train for the game I love most: soccer. Running was the means by which I could play the game with endurance, speed and, now that I am approaching 40, longevity. No matter the motivation, I fell into at least one annual race a year, starting out small with a tough trail 5K, and then graduating to the 10K version of the trail race. I will preface that I have never been a fast runner, I am the tortoise rather than the hare. This is the point at which CrossFit entered my story.I had been running 3-4 times per week, supplementing with a popular subscription-based HIIT program for cross-training (and using my “rest days” to play soccer on the weekends). A brave and persistent dear friend had been pestering me for over a year to join CrossFit, insisting I would love it. She had done me a favor by joining my soccer team, so I felt the least I could do was entertain her and show up to a Friends and Family introductory workshop. I had felt fairly confident in my fitness level, that subscription video even advertised one of their programs as a great way to get in shape if you plan to join CrossFit (myth #1). My first class was very informative, but I was openly skeptical. Up to this point my journey in fitness was a treasured solitary time of trail runs and mental challenge, and my introvert self did not love the idea of groups of strangers intruding on this. By the end of the classes, I had decided, mostly to be a good friend, I’d sign up for twice a week in order to get some accountability with the half marathon I was shooting for next. However, much to my frustration, I had overused my tendons due to poor running stride and abused much of my body during my weekend soccer games, and thus began dealing with Achilles tendonitis.By the time I set foot in my first actual class, I had trained up to the mileage I needed for the 10K race 5 weeks away; however, my Achilles was limiting my running, and I found myself both apprehensive about backing off my mileage to allow myself to heal and pushing through it risking a much larger injury. Coach Parker challenged me to drop running altogether and to press into the training at CrossFit. He felt confident I would allow my tendon to heal and maybe even get a faster time than if I simply stuck with my running schedule. I decided to risk it and give it a whirl, as I felt completely out of options. CrossFit myth #2 dispelled: this experience has been one of healing and correction, rather than risk and injury.I have trained for three 10K’s, two of which were canceled by the pandemic. My first 10K I completed in early April, getting my best time after having run the course dozens of times throughout my training. Two weeks later, I ran another and again beat my time, shaving off only a couple seconds off my original 10K mile time. Still, faster is faster. I will say, during this time, Coach Parker had been analyzing and working with me on correcting my running stride. Each race, I was focused on only two things: finishing without stopping and working on correcting years of a now ingrained running stride.My CrossFit journey has morphed from something to entertain a friend, and then something to do on the side, to now a way of living. I have yet to do more than a handful of training runs in a month and jumped into my last 10K with some trepidation, having not run in nearly 6 weeks. My goal was to just run the entire thing and not die. My results, however, were something I could have never anticipated: I took 25 seconds off my mile time, running by far the fastest pace and furthest distance I have ever done, even in my early years as a late teen. CrossFit is truly a place for everyone, a place that is just as challenging for the elite athletes and the varsity couch potatoes alike. I look forward to the doors that will continue to open for me in this journey with the coaches and CrossFit family I feel so at home with.


CrossFit NorthGate is Sonoma County's premier functional fitness training facility. Nobody has more experience helping people safely reach their fitness goals than we do!


Mon-Fri: 5am - 7pm

Sat: 7am - 11am


CrossFit NorthGate

538 Mendocino Ave

Santa Rosa, CA 95401

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